Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Does electing Obama serve as reparations?

Barack Obama is clearly not experienced enough to be the President of the United States, is mildly corrupt, does not have true stances on most issues, is going to owe an amzing amount of people favors once he is elected, and is half black.

During his campaign it was revealed that he has received funding and support from a group of African-Americans whose fundamental mission is to secure reparations (i.e. money) from the United States goverment to pay them back for their relatives having been forced to be slaves.

Electing Obama, or paying reparations, are both ignorant decisions.  But, if the American people do both would the reparations groups be satisfied and be quiet from here on in?

Friday, October 3, 2008

What swear would you use?

Let's play a game.  Replace the "#@*" with what you think would be the most appropriate swear word.  For this one I pick fuck, as in "OH, Fuck...NO!"  The character is responding to seeing Crankshaft's black teammate and apparently he is not a diversity guy.